"Apology" rebuttal

Wow.  That was the biggest pile of passive-aggressive, self-pitying disingenuous garbage I've ever read in my life. I mean really, you just took advantage of your "apology" message to whine about your hurt fee-fees and list off in meticulous detail all the evil, heinous ways I've personally sinned against you, the Almighty Basement Dwelling Nobody From Buttfuck, Michigan, and never once addressed the constant negativity, rudeness, open disrespect or outright harassment that caused me to dump your shithole community in the first place. Simply incredible; totally worthy of the two years it took you to work up the courage to write it. The only way it could be even more backhanded and disingenuous is if you used an AI generator instead.  And no, I'm never coming back; make all the whiny self-serving cry-cry stream screeds and backhanded threats you want, we both know you're too pathetic to carry them out.  You sure as hell don't command enough respect from your yes-men to get them to do it either.

Now with all that on the table, here's some free advice for you.  Whatever it is you think you're trying to accomplish online in the year of our lord 2024, you've already failed.  You have a terrible reputation, no connections, no credibility, no drive, no money and no talent; nobody with two functioning braincells is ever going to collaborate with you, let alone work for you, so just spare what little remains of your dignity and quit while you're behind.  Delete and destroy every copy of your sorry little revenge list, then get off Patreon, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, ZDoom and Starmen and whatever else you're on, format all your hard drives, cancel your Internet account, sell your computer, move out of your parents house and get a real job, or you're going to turn into Chris Chan...

Oh and you can quit sending fucking scumbag assholes like Fez and Ostwind to stalk my socials and harass my friends and followers; that's some severely pathetic shit, man.  Not to mention I have way more of your dirty laundry than you even know I have, so you can be smart and fuck off for good or I can air it all out here.  Your move...

If your apologies are completely self-serving...

...just don't bother making them in the first place.