People who notice you putting on headphones or covering your ears to shut out their loud bullshit and so they fucking YELL LOUDER
People I fucking hate part 2
People who barge into a conversation with others talking off the cuff and getting some minor irrelevant fact wrong and then pretend it's a free ticket to be a complete shitbag. Wow, we're just having a conversation in the moment and you have Wikipedia on your search bar in Firefox and unlimited free time to fact-check and craft your "witty" response to some inconsequential statement; truly you're a paragon of intelligence and we should be worshipping you and taking all your vicious abuse in stride. Yeah right, fuck off into a fatal overdose you disgusting pig.
People I fucking hate part 1
"You probably don't care, but..."
You're right, I don't. Now take your argument-bait horseshit somewhere people think it's cute. Like 8chan.
Need some shred of credibility to get your hack Youtube game reviewer career off the ground?
Just bitch about framerates! Is it a turn based game or some other genre where that shouldn't matter at all? Doesn't matter! Hell the game doesn't even actually ever need to dip below 60, just steal trailer footage and put a number in the corner and have it change to slightly less than 60 whenever something flashy happens, then squeal for 25 minutes about how the whole game is ruined. Oh and don't forget to leave comments on so people can refresh the video page and all the front-loaded ads every 5 seconds to argue with each other; that's more revenue for you!
Fuck your "forgiveness"
Dunning Kruger
Being good at a video game hundreds of thousands of people are already good at doesn't immediately qualify you as prime eugenics material or make you particularly intelligent. A concept too difficult for some.
Ban Tiktok
Not for any political reasons or because China's going to steal our data or whatever; hell, there's thriving mega-corporations like Google and Akamai that scrape everything you ever do online and sell it to tech firms in China and Russia for a tidy profit, and they sure as hell don't face any consequences or even scrutiny for it. I just hate that stupid fucking app. I hate the little bloopy bumper, I hate the AI generated narrator voice, and I hate that people use it as a substitute for their own brains. Hooray, you saw another funny video on there, just like you did the last 75 days in a row you've brought it up; now shut the fuck up and go immolate yourself. Yes, I'm sure that 32 year old who looks 57 is selling high-quality nutritional supplements and not just newspaper shreds and dirt in a bottle to con easy marks like you. I'm also sure that Biden is a secret agent of the deep state who doesn't want you to know about the lizardmen or that acetaminophen feminizes your kids and vaccines cause autism; of course, even if that shit was true (and it's fucking not), you and your shitty little Sunday sewing circle rate having a family life that's anything less than saccharine '60s sitcom perfect as a fate worse than death. And you call yourselves 'Christians' too. Ha ha ha, the only 'messiah' you wretched fucks worship is a cabal of filthy rich malignant narcissists on TV and Youtube and AM radio who always tell you to preach but never to practice. That humble and selfless man who lived in the desert two millennia ago, did right by everyone he could, expected nothing in return and was executed as a blasphemer for it? You and they will invoke his name every chance you get just to show off to everyone how 'loving' and 'holy' and 'righteous' you are and twist any criticism of you or your beliefs into a screed about oppression, but you'll never lift a finger of help or donate a single cent to a brown person or a queer or a Jew or a poor or a cripple or an autist or a Muslim who similarly get hated, neglected and abused just for being who they are. Fucking pathetic, hypocritical scumbags.
Get rid of Youtube and Meta and "X" while you're at it too. Same shit, different bowl.