People I fucking hate part 4

 Passive aggressive malignant narcissists can fuck right off.

"I say I respect your opinion but I clearly don't since every time the topic comes up I make sure to let everyone know how right I am and how wrong and evil your view is while you're clearly in earshot so you can hear people disparage you lololol"

It's never a one time thing either.  They come back to this shit with every person they can and always make sure you hear it over and over and over again for years after the fact.  YEARS.  YEEEEEEAAARRSS.

Everyone who does this shit needs to fill a Dixie cup with fish hooks and then just down the whole thing in one shot.  If you want to get rid of "sick, sad and hateful people" that's the best place to start you fucking psychos.

We're mad at EA again...

...until tomorrow when they release another game and everyone instantly forgives all of their past transgressions and rushes out and buys 6 copies

If this sounds cynical it's only because I've seen this shit happen over and over and over and over and over and over and over for 30 years now