Welcome to the modern day minstrel show

I have ADHD/Depression/Autism/The Gay/Chronic Fatigue/Whatever other self-diagnosed bullshit I come up with on the spot.  That means I can use that to guilt and manipulate people and criticizing me for any reason is offically evil and wrong!  And if you ever say otherwise I can slap you with the Ableist/Ignorant/Bigot label and get my shitty little cult of Tumblr queens to harass you forever!  Woooo hoooooo!

Seriously fuck these scumbags and fuck anyone who enables them too.

"Lifestyle experts" are just modern day cult leaders

 I'm debt free cuz I don't watch movies or TV or listen to music or read books or eat anything with more flavor than non-HMO kale or let my kids do any of the same, and I'll tell you all about how to find joy in working 90-hour weeks for a greedy sociopath and alienating everyone else in your life!  Just buy my shitty books and $25-an-episode lifestyle podcast and make all my weird isolating talking points your entire personality!

"Fictional lives matter" fucktards are pathetic

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Armchair activists make my teeth itch

 Oh you're gonna come and scold me for using my social media following to talk about my hobbies instead of "fighting the good fight"?  Yeah fuck off; reposting every clickbait piece of crap you see from grifter accounts like Occupy Democrats ain't helping anyone, it's just feel-good masturbation for go-nowhere-do-nothing idiots like you.  You and they just try to look righteous so people will shower you with praise (preferably in the form of free money); it's transparently fucking obvious you don't actually give a shit about anything you're preaching about and are just fishing for any excuse to talk down to anyone you can for any reason you can.  Log off and stick to what you know best - using mom's credit card to buy shitty overpriced coffee and hipster garbage at Hot Topic, cuz you sure as hell ain't changing anyone else's life for the better you fucking parasites.